Black Butterfly Movement

Take this once in a lifetime chance to bring the Black Butterfly Movement program to your school, church, park district and community to strengthen the feminine blueprint and return to the real meaning of girl power because girls really do run the world!

We get it!

ARE YOU THE PRINCIPLE, DEAN, ADVISOR OR A MENTOR OF GIRLS in some capacity?! Do you often find yourself wondering what shifted in our young ladies? Where have the values gone? What’s controlling their decisions? How do I help?! Some of you that care are losing sleep over this and I understand. They are not graduating at the pace that they should. Some are starting single mom families before they understand who they are. Some are committing crimes and having their lives taken away before they even get started. Some have decided that the more skin they show the more valuable they are. Old school reading and writing, things such as filling out envelopes, budgeting and writing a well- written letter don’t seem to exist anymore!

What we do

Using our program for your teen girls and your young budding women, will extend your voice and advice to them to respect themselves, go the extra mile toward being all that they can be, protect their values and valuables and to create extraordinary women that will change the world, one neighborhood at a time! What we can promise, as a result of working with our girls, is indescribable in terms of output, positivity, both dreams and goals realized.

What we’re certain of is that if we don’t work together to become an interruption, right now, in the lives of our young ladies, we will soon not recognize them and will be afraid to live in the world that will be, without re-introducing them back to some basic core values:

Self Love
Being task oriented to completion
Goal Setting
The art of femininity
Financial Literacy

Partnership Opportunities

Looking to partner with us? Fill out the form below to get in touch!